New Release! Adopting Tiger by Chavis Fisher

Check out on of Amazon’s Bestselling Adoption Books:

adopting tiger, chavis fisherAdopting Tiger
by Chavis Fisher


Tiger’s twelve year old life swings on the foster care pendulum as two families fight to adopt him – Thomas Newman, the city’s professional quarterback and Clarissa Moore, the biological aunt Tiger has never met.

Thomas and Clarissa’s individual lives take unforeseen twists and turns which could jeopardize the adoption. Tiger has a wish. But, is it heard or drowned by an imperfect system? It is in the Judge’s hands. What will he decide? Where will be Tiger’s forever home?

In the first of a three part series, Chavis Fisher writes a short novel with a big impact. This emotional thriller can be read in just one sitting. Adopting Tiger is the kind of book you want everybody to read just so you can talk about it.

Paperback $10.95
200 pages, 5 x 8 inches
ISBN-13: 978-0999456002
On Sale: October 21, 2017

About the Author

Natalie Chavis Fisher loves to write about adoptions. With over seventeen years of legal practice, she has worked with hundreds of foster children, adoptive parents, CASA and Department of Child Services agency employees.

Chavis Fisher received the prestigious Congressional Angel in Adoption Award in 2013 for her commitment to improve the lives of children in need of permanent homes.

Chavis Fisher has worked for the Indiana University Football Program, the Indianapolis Colts and the National Football League.

In her free time, Chavis Fisher loves to read, travel and kickbox. She is most fulfilled when she is spending time with her husband.

Praise for Adopting Tiger

“If you ever wondered what the foster care system was really like, especially through the eyes of a child, Adopting Tiger is a must read. Author Chavis Fisher not only captures the true essence of the everyday battles and struggles of those who work relentlessly in the system, but she captures and tells the story from a point of view that’s rarely told —the child’s.”
—Julieanna Huddle, Executive Director, CASA Nashville
“As an international adoptee and former Northwestern football player, I have a particular affinity for Adopting Tiger. The story, the characters and imagery are not only informative and engaging, but authentic and real. It will help educate the general population and galvanize allies in the important cause of adoption.”
—Milton Washington, Former Northwestern University Football Player and Author of “Slickboy Memoir,” New York

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