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KEMPS Consulting offers a full range of writing services to accommodate many communications needs, both personal and professional.
Writing Services
Content writing involves creating and sharing valuable free content. It is often used to educate your audience about products, services or events. This is a fact driven writing process, concerned with providing information. This may come in the form of:
- Blogging
- Informational Website copy
- Newsletter content
- Articles and Editorials
- Press Releases
Copy writing gets a reader to take a specific action. Sometimes that’s making a purchase. But it can also be subscribing to an email list, signing up for something, or contacting you for more information. Copy writing is a branding process, creating high-value, compelling copy that entices the reader to (immediately) act. This includes:
- Sales-driven Website copy
- Book blurbs/synopses
- Sales Letters
- Advertorials
Academic Writing (Supplemental)
While it’s up to you to make the grade, every one can use a little extra help. KEMPS Consulting provides academic support guided by a strong ethic and a healthy respect for the academic field. The assistance is focused toward encouraging scholarly rigor, style development, and personal achievement. Consider us your personal Student Help Center. Tutoring, mentoring and professional service all wrapped up into one custom program solely concerned with your success. We offer a number of services to give you the boost you need:
- Personal Narratives and Biographies
- Work Experience Credit Portfolios
- Academic Résumés (see Résumés)
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