Book Marketing starts from the moment you decide you want to publish. Courting a publisher is very similar to courting an audience, and involves similar activities. These services will help you woo and win over the right market at the right time.
Book Query Letters and Proposals: Informative and enticing query letters and/or book proposals are for authors what cover letters and resumes are for job seekers. This is your first introduction to a literary agent or publishing company. Make your pitch a lasting, positive impression.
Book Blurbs: The back of the book or inside flap that book shoppers zero in on to assess whether they want to read your book or not–it’s often a consumers first stop after being captivated by the cover. If it’s not interesting and intriguing, NEXT. Why would anyone read your book if the blurb isn’t even good? So make it irresistible.
Author Bios: We live in an inquiring age where people want to know. The author bio is a great way to get people interested in you and your books. A multipurpose marketing gem, the author bio can be a great conversation starter, information giver, and interest getter–if you do it right.
Basic Publicity: Supplement your advertising campaign with some smart publicity. Network with blogs and book reviewers. Get coverage in local newspapers and magazines. Find the influencers in the right circles to chat your book up. Publicity is all about building buzz! Press releases, editorials, Q&As, excerpts and so much more. A comprehensive publicity plan is a low cost, high reward strategy that can make or break your book.
$60 per hour or ask for an individual project quote