The Sharp Pen
If you have publishing questions, we have answers! With over fifteen years of experience, we understand that most aspects of publishing are quite simple—but that doesn't make them easy. We design Author Solutions to make the process as pain-free as possible. Whether you are looking for assistance from idea to shopper's cart or just need assistance with a single service along the way, we are here to help you find the right solutions. Let our red pen scratch your book itch.
Here to help you find the right solutions.
Our recommended first step in the editorial development process is a manuscript review and evaluation.
Offering high-level critique and feedback on clarity, consistency, plot and character development, a manuscript review will answer questions like: Is my book finished? Does my story make sense? Is my book saleable? What level of editing is needed to ensure top quality?
We offer a full suite of editing and writing services to supplement, enhance and polish your prose or poetry. From the developmental writing stage all the way through final proofreading, editorial development is a checks and balances system that ensures the author’s intentions are clear, goals achieved and manuscript fully matured for the reading audience.
Many have a desire to write, but do not have the formal training or natural instincts. Fortunately, writing skills can be learned and an author’s voice developed with the right instruction. Let us design and in-depth, one-on-one workshop to support you in your journey to authorship. This may include but is not limited to: learning writing basics; developing your narrative; self-editing tricks and tips.
Need help navigating your publishing options? Want assistance developing your book project? We can help at any stage of the publishing process. Self-publishing services include: streamlined book design; help assessing your printing/distribution options; and assistance with marketing basics. Traditional publishing services, include: book proposal and query letter development; expectations management; and industry information.
Allow us to manage your indie book project and simplify your life. We will get your book published without bogging you down with the headaches of the decision minutiae. Let our industry knowledge serve you. While you work on the writing, we will usher your book through production, from manuscript to publicity, with a custom plan for your book, based on your genre, budget and goals.
Book Marketing starts from the moment you decide you want to publish. Courting a publisher is very similar to courting an audience, and involves similar activities. We provide the services that will help you woo and win over the right market at the right time. Developing book queries and proposals, book blurbs and synopses, author bios, press releases and more, we will start the buzz for your book.
Let’s talk about your project! Schedule your free introductory call today!

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