Do you want more from life? Ready for a change?
So was I, but I didn't know what to do about it until I found coaching. It was the answer to questions I didn't even know I had. Where can I feel safe enough to say who I really am and what I really want? How can I approach issues that feel impssibly big? Coaching offers that safe, nonjudgmental space where you can find the answers you need.
You May Be Wondering...
What is Coaching?
The International Coach Federation (ICF) “defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.” The coaching process is directed and driven by the client; the coach is a collaborative partner who actively listens and contributes reflection, powerful questions, and resources.
What does a Coach do?
A coach creates and holds a safe, nonjudgmental, confidential space for you to identify, express and clarify your goals, as well as define and structure action steps to achieve them. As a support system, a coach will help you explore your values, beliefs and character to help you more fully understand and contextualize yourself in all of your life experiences.
What is My Coaching Philosophy?
As a Goal Imagery™ Certified Holistic Coach, I hold the belief that you are whole, creative, and resourceful. As such, you are capable of
- understanding your own drives and motivations
- defining your own dreams and goals, and
- walking your path to personal success and fulfillment.
You are the captain of your own ship. You may not be able to dictate life’s current or waves. But, you can set your destination, chart your course, and steer in the right direction for you. You can also course correct as necessary along the route, with the full prerogative to change your mind along the way. Building a solid frame based on the Pillars of Personhood℠, together we will ensure that your ship is seaworthy and ready to handle any wave.
What are the Pillars of Personhood℠?
In my practice, I’ve developed a 5 P’s approach to help you embrace your unique you, showing up in the world as the person you want to be. In every session, I explore your goals with the 5 Pillars of Personhood℠ in mind:
- Perception: What do you see?
- Perspective: How do you see it?
- Priority: What importance/time are you assigning it?
- Purpose: What reason or intention do you ascribe to it?
- Practice: How do your daily actions support it?
We are all challenged by breakdowns, inertia, and immobility at some point in our lives. Engaging your power to expand your perception, broaden your perspective, and put things in the right proportion will help you to identify and live into your purpose through your daily practice. I will partner with you to activate your own resourcefulness, creativity and wholeness. Examining challenges through the prism of your own values, we will bring solutions that feel authentic and productive to you into focus.
How Can Coaching Help You?
Taking a broader view of your life goals, we can explore where you are now, where you would like to be in the future, and what it will take to get there. We might explore questions like:
- What are your values?
- What is your character?
- What is your purpose in life?
- What would you like your life to look like in one, three, five or ten years?
In a process directed by you, we can uncover your motivations, goals and desires to identify clear steps toward the you you want to be.
Problem solving is a skill, but difficult to do in the dark. Coaching can help turn on a spotlight. My goal is to help you identify the road blocks between you and your desired path, then support you in creating a plan to go over, under, around or through those barriers. In partnership, we can help you:
- Identify and breakdown the issues that have you stuck
- Brainstorm corrective actions
- Create an action plan, and
- Execute your plan.
Together we can open a space in which to brainstorm and explore opportunities. Expanding the mindset from “either/or” to “and” allows us to accept the possibility that there are many potential opportunities waiting to be discovered. When we nurture this “and” mindset, we start to see solutions and options that were not apparent before. This is a useful skill in defining dreams and translating them into achievable goals and benchmarks.
Areas We Can Explore through Coaching:
Coaching is a goal-oriented practice. We explore your past and present to identify the goals that will get you toward the future you want. In addressing specific goals, all sessions involve a comprehensive process that may explore all areas of my life, including work, finances, health, relationships, education and recreation. This is the hallmark of a holistic approach that is concerned with the totality of your personhood.
Taking a broader view of your career, we can explore where you are now, where you would like to be in the future, and what it will take to get there. We might explore questions like:
- What makes your professional heart sing?
- What does work/life balance mean to you?
- What role do you want your career to play in your life?
In a process directed by you, we can uncover your motivations, goals and desires to identify clear steps that you can take toward the professional life you want.
Every aspect of life is influenced by relationships–our relationship with ourselves and with all of the people around us. Personal and professional, local and global, we can explore what your relationships mean to you, how they show up in your life and what you want from them.
Providing support and a platform for accountability, coaching can help you:
- identify your health and wellness goals
- recognize any obstacles between you and those goals
- brainstorm useful solutions for overcoming those obstacles, and
- bring resources and tools into focus to help you stay on track.
The challenges of 21st Century life have opened many doors for new business ventures. The ideas are plentiful. Coaching can help you successfully make the leap from idea to viable business. Holding a nonjudgmental, supportive space to dream bigger and play with ideas and options, the coaching process can reveal the patiently waiting opportunity in perceived obstacles.
Time is a nonrenewable resource that each of us must manage to the best of our ability. Approaching prioritization through the prism of your values can help you reclaim your time and allocate it to what really matters to you.
The areas of your life that can be explored are limited only by our imagination. Activating your resourcefulness, creativity and wholeness can open space for opportunities that we cannot currently imagine. It would be my honor to partner with you on the journey.